Friday, January 30, 2009

Fleeting Joys "Occult Radience" (2009)

Yesterday I described the new Asobi Sesku record as having a pre-Loveless MBV sound. Well these wonderful shoegazers have a very pro-Loveless sound. Swirling guitars, layers of noise, drugged out soft male & female vocals going back and forth sounding part like love, part like death, part like hope, part like sadness. And I know you've heard many a bands drown trying to sail in Kevin Shields water, but if you haven't heard Fleeting Joys, then you haven't heard it done right. Out now from Thompson Sounds, but you can try it if you peek the comments.

video for Lovely Crawl from The Fleeting Joys previous LP Despondent Transponder


favorite son said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Certainly good at what it's doing but afraid just too MBValike for me.
